In lieu of Nation Button Day, we thought how perfect it would be to write about buttons. But not the kind you use to fasten your peacoat but the kind you have on your site. A commonly overlooked feature of a website, clickable buttons play an important role in web design and how you direct traffic to a particular action. In our profession, these buttons are often paired with Call-To-Actions (CTAs) that entice users to click through to another page, make a purchase, or signup. When used correctly you can shape the path in which you want your website visitors to follow.

Here are 4 rules for creating high converting buttons and CTA’s

Rule #1 – Use call-to-actions sparingly.

Every page should have a primary goal. Ideally, you should have only one call-to-action on a page. That being said, there should be no more than 2 buttons on a page or section of your website. If you do have more than 1 call-to-action, use color and style to give priority to the most desired action. For instance, if have a signup/sign-in page for users, the signup bottom should be brighter and more eye catching. This is so new users unfamiliar with your site can clearly see where to go to signup.

Rule#2 – Color and style are very important.

If you have only one specific goal for your web page, the button should stand out amongst the content. Use bright colors and box-shadows to give your call-to-action some pop in order to get the attention of the visitor.

Rule #3 – Bright colors and style isn’t everything.

Your approach and wording for asking the visitor to complete the CTA needs to be very convincing. A good call-to-action has a “no-obligation statement that could scare off the visitor. For instance, ask for them to start a free trial rather than a purchase. Asking them to try first is easier than having them to make a purchase.

Rule #4 –Your call to action should encourage action

Your call to action should encourage the visitor to respond right away and not wait to think about it. Time sensitive messaging helps create urgency. “Try today and begin experiencing the rewarding benefits of our product”

A button is not just a button

Some thought has to go into how you buttons will be used on your web page. We hope you found this article useful. If you could add another rule what would it be?

Need Help with Your Website?

Buzz Boom Creative is a Digital Marketing Agency who specializes in Web Design, Graphic Design, Online & Social Media Marketing and Branding. We help our clients accomplish their marketing needs by providing professional & creative solutions.

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